Focusing on growth
Off the top of my head, I look at the labels of any of the every day brands like Banana Republic, H&M, Old Navy, Club Monaco and let’s face it APPLE- their country of origin is pretty much guaranteed to be overseas. These companies are doing well…really well. I’ve been discussing some of my observations of successful businesses in the hopes that I can help other small businesses to see growth. Moving manufacturing to the experts who control quality and cost seems to be another way to gain some scale in business operations. I know since moving the majority of my manufacturing to China, I’ve been able to focus my business and product design and growth (the fun stuff) rather than spending time training, and overseeing all manufacturing.
I support Canadian Business in many ways. I love handmade goods and will pay through the teeth for handcrafted items that are made in Canada as I will pay a premium to support local businesses with talent. BUT I also support Canadian businesses that do not manufacture in Canada because I know they are still supporting our economy on many fronts (examples; the use of printers, advertisers, sponsors in the community, providing other spin off employment and community support ) and you can still get a quality product that is made overseas.
Business Growth Tip #2
It’s another thing I’d like to add to my list observations of companies that have exponential growth and companies that…well….don’t. Full respect to those who want to stay grass roots- R-E-S-P-E-C-T people! If you enjoy the manufacturing aspect of your business, then by all means you must continue to do what you love. I definitely like to maintain control of my operations but I’m trying to grow this business to it’s fullest capacity in a short period. I can’t manage the training and quality of each of my staff nor pay a quality assurance specialist to ensure this (I tried it then my sales and marketing suffered – I CANNOT physically do it all and run on two hours of sleep anymore) .
So why this post?
As I’m new to this blogging thing, I’m still figuring out what I’m trying to say and what I want people to feel after reading my thoughts. I want to share, grow, and learn from other entrepreneurs who are successful. I also want to connect with people who share or can respectfully disagree with some of my views. I don’t know if I’m succeeding – I certainly hope so! Baby Wisp is a Canadian company foremost and we have embraced some global options for business growth. I think it’s the best decision for us to take us where we want to go and provide the best products we can to our customers. For other business owners they have to do what’s right for them, I am joining lots of WAHM networking groups where sharing our knowledge and contacts is helping all of us.