Happy Mother's Day From Baby Wisp®

Mother's Day is an Amazing Day to Enjoy!
Why not? You deserve to be showered with love and take the day to appreciate all that you do that gets lost in the every day. I try not to think of it as some consumerist holiday created to sell stuff because as a mom, I sometimes do go for periods of time where I feel that I'm totally under-appreciated. So when that Sunday morning comes and they make ME breakfast, the kids do their chores without any yelling, and also hear the words "I appreciate you"...I won't lie, I bask in it! After all, it IS the day for us isn't it? Will you be taking some selfies with your child/ children? Do you have a special brunch planned? Well it is outfit planning time! I have worn coordinating outfits with my kids for special events and especially accessories with my daughter. I have worn a bigger version flower in my hair than what she's wearing and that is the inspiration for our new "mommy n' me" section on our site. You can check out the sets here.