Winter Clearance Sale Now On! EXTRA 20% OFF SALE
Wow, Christmas Blew By but the Sales on cute Baby and Toddler Bows Just Got Better!
Enjoy an EXTRA 20% off our sale section! We have just added many sparkling hair accessories, velvet bow hairbands and hair clips plus many holiday themed gift sets with colors you an use all year long!
Go to our SALE section, Add to Cart then watch the price drop an extra 20% off. no coupon required, no substitutions, no rainchecks, no custom orders. Cannot be combined with any other coupon offers. This offer CAN BE combined with our free shipping offers and free gift offers.
My favourite set is this one. This is a limited time set as I only bought a very small quantity of ribbon for the holiday season so once they are gone I won't be making any more til next year! This is handmade in san diego, california.
Enjoy the sale... and the last bit of Christmas Vacation!